Dynamic Exploration Session
The Dynamic Exploration Session is designed to identify and explore your Internal Operating System, (IOS) which directs and determines how you respond to everything and everyone in your life. You’ll discover how this flow has impacted your life, and how you can be in command of it going forward. We’ll look at where you are, where you want to be, and how to eliminate what’s been stopping you. You’ll also discover how everyone else’s IOS interacts with yours, and how to minimize conflict while maximizing connection. You’ll walk away with real tools for shifting and creating good habits that serve you, and taking you where you want to be.
Individual & Follow-Up Stand-Alone Coaching Sessions
Optimal for situational or circumstantial issues (coping strategies and triage) or when you’re not quite ready for embarking on a journey of personal evolution. You can address specific challenges in your life, gaining new resources, without a full operating system upgrade. 1 Hour or 90 Minute Sessions.
Individual Monthly Packages: (Month-to-Month)
Entry level for when you are dealing with more complex issues than can be dealt with in a single session. This is where you begin to learn about the tools you have and how to apply them. Four 1 hr. sessions.
Personal Re-Engineering Package (PRP)
For those serious about living their lives differently. Based on the processes of re-engineering, you are the organization that will get optimized. This program helps you by working together through multiple cycles of modifications, results, and measurement. Rather than just dealing with things in-the-moment, this is a no-nonsense program with “coursework,” exercises, and homework that teach you skills to walk away with and use. [16-week program]
* 4 Full Weekly Coaching Sessions (60 min) per month
* Up to 1 hour per month of “emergency time.”
* Weekly lesson plans designed personally for you to strengthen and hone your innate skills and abilities.
Individual Transformation Course (ITC)
An in-depth, comprehensive program designed to guide you through major transformational shifts in your approach to everything in your life. This is the path out of a life ruled by fixation, compulsion, and auto-pilot habits. The process works through multiple cycles of process and ever deepening layers, to take you to a place where you can choose new end-points, new desired outcomes, choose the right tools, and get the results you want. Taking you even further than the Personal Re-Engineering Program, the ITC is like “black belt” training. [26-week program]
* 4 Full Weekly Coaching Sessions (60 min) per month
* Up to 1 hour per month of “emergency time.”
* Weekly lesson plans designed personally for you to strengthen and hone your innate skills and abilities.
Typical areas covered include:
* Anger (positive re-channeling)
* Authenticity (Maintaining)
* Boundaries
* Communications (Internal Self-Talk to Interpersonal)
* Consciousness/Mindfulness
* Creativity and Opening
* Leadership/Power/Management
* Personal Performance and Growth
* Relationships
Individual (Post-Graduate Program): Month-to-Month
Advanced use of the tools learned in either the PRP or ITC programs, (prerequisite) in complex, real-world situations, and more depth into the Component Parts Work© as it applies to both self-actualization and superior interactions with others. When you want to take the Optimized Results Component Parts Work©, R.A.R.E. Neurological Re-wiring©, and Cognitive Linguistic work into practical applications with full, individualized Integral Coaching Support.