“…I thought it was going to be another one of those touchy-feely, no result processes. To my great surprise I left with practical communication tools, and I’m using them already. I would recommend this process to anyone who needs to communicate better with the many different people in their lives – both work and personal…” -Keith Myer: Global Digital Media Executive, IBM (www.ibm.com/us)

“…working with Ian saved my company thousands upon thousands of dollars in my time and through better decision making. His consulting has been invaluable to me.”
–Shannon Seek, Principal – Seek Solutions and Author of The Organic Organizing Matrix

“I can’t thank Ian enough for the impact he has made on my life. Working with him has made me experience my highest self in all aspects: work, relationships, social, and personal. The simple tools he uses are very insightful and motivating. His knowledge of personality types and how the mind works is profound. Just a casual conversation with Ian leaves me inspired to improve myself and realize what I am capable of. I recommend his services to anyone no matter where you are in your life journey. ” –Giovanna G., Certified Nutritionist, Personal Chef – S.F., CA

“…I greatly appreciate your help and guidance through a tough time…The skills you taught me have played a large role in my snowballing success.”
 –Doug Workmaster, Workmaster Photographic Studio

“What I wanted when I started looking for a coach was to break out of feeling small, timid and voiceless. I felt very stuck which was holding me back from moving forward at work and in relationships. Ian helped me tremendously which to this day I’m so grateful! Ian’s unique, engaging, personal, insightful, and compassionate approach has helped me to identify the most resourceful parts of me, and to consciously use these resources every day at work and at home. I have grown several fold both personally and professionally, resulting in positive results, including increased productivity, a job promotion, and, improved communication with colleagues, and with my wife! Ian, many many thanks for your passion to help people, including myself, live their very best!”
— Dr. Ramon Quesada, MD

Ian knows his stuff. He understands how people work, how they function and think and really knows communication. He has a system for everything. I am super amazed how organized and how he gets things done very efficiently.  Working with him helps me to understand how and why people respond the way they do, so I can help difficult situations at work or at home to counter this and create more harmony around me. Whether it’s about communication skills or how to create systems and be more functional in whatever you do, Ian is a great coach! I highly recommend him to everyone who wants to understand themselves better, and create more harmony within your workplace or your home life.    — Kiran G, Life and Relationship Coach, S.F., CA

Ian really helped lift me up at a low point in my career transition.  I was ready to make a big leap again, but wasn’t sure exactly what to do next, and time was running out. I was stressed.  I’d seen his success with others, and trusted his opinions and appreciated his insights, so I met with him over coffee, and he introduced me to one of his systems for identifying and centering on Values, and expanding that into appropriate action steps. As a former engineer, a system like this appealed to me, and helped me feel more grounded. Within just a few days of using it, my perspective had shifted and I was more optimistic about the opportunities I wanted to pursue. It definitely put me back in touch with my values, so that I could focus on the right opportunities. Shortly, I ended up with two fantastic interviews, one of which led to my dream job. Ian is kind, smart, ethical, and inspiring, and I wholeheartedly recommend him. I am forever grateful!    — Christina M., Long Beach, CA

Mr. Blei blends a scientific, pragmatic and highly personalized approach to uncover (and strengthen) hidden potential for greater achievement. He follows a system that is intelligent, logical and intuitive to drive real results for individuals, couples or companies. I highly recommend Ian for executive performance coaching for sales driven organizations or high volume individuals interested in expanding market share – Optimized results delivers!! — Kip Fuller., Owner Fuller Insurance Agency, San Francisco

I can’t say enough about how beneficial it was for me working with Ian. Â I came to him when there was a crossroads in my career and Ian gave me the guidance and mentor-ship that I needed to really grow and advance within my company. Long story short I was promoted twice quite quickly after working with Ian and have the tools needed to grow and manage my ever expanding team. Â I highly recommend Ian to anyone looking for personal and professional growth!
–Daniel Duffy: Regional Sales Director, West-USA

What is so valuable about Ian’s approach is that it is totally personalized to how you work best and what your natural strengths are. If you think that working with a Life/Business Coach is going to be a ‘rah rah’ session in which you will get pumped up to really strive to achieve your goals and bust your butt trying to emulate something that you aren’t- well that is the exact opposite of how Ian works. 

Through Ian’s skillful and perceptive analysis of my natural strengths and weakness’ Ian has designed an approach that works for me, and gotten me out of survival and stress mode and into thoughtful planned action and ease! For the first time in several years as a small business owner, I feel un-stressed and confident! Wow. 

Plus he totally goes over and above to give you 110% of the value of the services that you are paying for. Thanks, Ian! ”
–Dr. Christine Cantwell, DC, Owner: Thriving Life Wellness Center – SF, CA
“I found myself singing high praise for Ian Blei this morning, as I was reflecting on my career/business.  It was so humbling to move/start a business in San Francisco – a whirlwind of recession panic and out-of-control schedules.  The typical day consisted of long hours, crisis management, and overwhelming stress.  Coaching/Consulting is the sort of thing a person like me (in short, a finance industry suit who is all business) would not typically reach out for.  But in my 20/20 hindsight, it is easy to see the change Optimized Results made in my business.  Sometimes it’s hard for a person to see their systematic weaknesses.  Ian has a keen understanding for how operations are supposed to work.  The best part is, he will help you focus on overcoming the bottleneck.  3 years later, my business is expanded, I’ve been promoted to Director, and I regularly use the tools I learned from our sessions.  Thanks Ian!” — Ariana A., Director, Frazier Capital.
If you are looking to identify, refine & magnify your brilliance…Ian’s your guy! We are surrounded by a wide & wonderful assortment of dedicated Coaches, many of whom I’ve had the pleasure of working with/experiencing on some level. My decision to commit to Ian was made simple by HIS clarity & dedication to helping me unearth my WHOLE vision for growth & success. As a result, I am now living at levels of financial and emotional wealth like never before, not to mention, I laugh more than ever!
— Carey G., Branch Manager, Burlingame, CA
“Ian’s energy and enthusiasm are wonderfully contagious! If you’ve lost your way, he’ll give you direction. If you’re wobbly on confidence, he’ll set you straight. Lacking a plan? He’ll help you create a plan that’s exactly right for you and your company. Ian knows business and Ian knows people. Putting those two areas of knowledge together allows him to quickly get to the heart of the matter, figure out what must be done and how best to do it, and then guide you to actually achieve those desired results! What seems like magic is actually an abundance of intelligence and intuition. Sign up with Ian, and you’re in for a profoundly life-changing experience!”
–Jane Ransom, Owner – Hypnotherapy That Works!
“Ian’s a pro at enthusiastically showing business owners how to increase business relationship communication and value. His seminars (and book) have been an invaluable asset for the growth of my company.” — David L., President – Libby Communications, Inc.
“Ian possesses an enthusiasm which is infectious. He brings this passion into all of his work, making him one of those rare individuals capable of getting people excited about any subject. His experience enables him to bring even complex subjects into an easily understood form.”  –Eric Corey Freed, Principal – organicARCHITECT

“Ian is a fount of knowledge and perspective. He assists me and many I’ve seen in focusing, elevating and refining our work and personal relationships. This has lead to great successes in many arenas. I’d expect the same for anyone who works with him.” – Kevin Minney, Founder – Accelerated Recovery & Pain Prevention
“Ian is a genius. He very humbly and tactfully takes your life into account, then rolls out a recipe for changing it – if that’s what you want/need. With this feast or famine image in sight – you can’t help but run out and buy the ingredients. Before long, you become the galloping gourmet.”
 –L. B., MarComm Director – Cisco
“Ian is a true expert regarding communication and its business applications. He is fantastic at working with business units, partnerships, colleagues, co-workers, to create deeper understanding of the motivations that drive different types of people and how to best communicate to get results.” – Julie Chendes, President – Next Level Strategies, Inc. 

Ian’s process isn’t just open-ended. Each week Ian gives you reading material that he prepares based on where you are, and gives you direction on how to organize your thoughts and goals. When you’re done with the program you have a binder full of personalized reading, a structure for daily journaling to keep you on track and the ability to look back and see what you’ve accomplished and how you’re evolving. 
Ian helps you develop your individual tool box for the ups and downs of life. Recognizing and understanding the strengths I have to call upon and weaknesses to put aside in times of change or conflict or big decisions. We focused on communication, my personal style and how I communicate with the important people in my life. I continue to benefit from my work with Ian and expect to for the rest of my life! — B.B., Realtor and Marketing Director, San Francisco
“Ian’s expertise is exceptional in personal and organizational development. The Integral Enneagram model that he has developed is revolutionary. As a coach and consultant, Ian is able to create rapport immediately through his ultra-creative and personable approach, generating insights and value for them drawn from his vast knowledge and ability to quickly get to the core issues. Highly, highly recommended for anyone who feels like they are spinning their wheels and can’t get to the root-cause.” – –Krish Surroy, President – Wisdom Consulting, Inc.
“Working with Ian’s method of self discovery has definitely made my husband and myself a lot clearer on how to build our business in a sustainable way. But there’s an unexpected bonus. We have been together for 22 years and have always had a great relationship and a good sex life. But the self knowledge, inner confidence and deeper understanding of each other has created a quantum leap in our levels of sexual satisfaction and experimentation. Woohoo to self discovery!” –Jo Nemoyten and Ian Carruthers of FoolishTreeFilms
“I’ve been working with Ian for coaching sessions, and his support has been truly invaluable. I was preparing to give a talk, and had some anxiety about not doing a good job. Through Ian I understood the source of the anxiety. His suggestion was very simple, yet it made a world of difference. While my talk was about promoting my business, it was also about sharing something that helps people. Both were true motivations, yet once I shifted my focus on serving others, the anxiety dissipated immediately like magic. I prepared for the talk with joy and enthusiasm, and everything went smoothly as I had hoped.” – Su Ruan, S.F., CA
“Not just a coach. A Guru. Ian is a wonderful mentor! He helped me find myself as he guided me to where I would like to be in the business, social and personal spheres of my life. He listens, he sees through and then he responds with the most amazing piece of advise explaining all the intricacies of human mind that trigger this or that type of behavior. Ian always sees a bigger picture.
It’s amazing how his expertise makes him find the answer to any question you may have! The way his analytical mind and at the same time sensitive attitude interrelate in his approach to guiding people is just unbelievable! I am and will always be grateful for having met Ian as well as I do and will always recommend him as I can vouch for his professionalism and his ability to make a positively significant change in a person’s life.” – Aine L., Sr. Visual Designer, TomTom
“A multi-million dollar deal was falling apart before my eyes. I started using Ian’s communication tools and turned it around to close my biggest deal yet!” – Jeff A., Sales Director
“Powerfully engaging and fun interactive learning…by far the most lucid and succinct presentation of these tools and systems I’ve experienced..” – S. Warren, Executive Coach